Carrie is dedicated to translating science into policy and action to preserve water resources for Freshwater, a 52-year old Minnesota non-profit. A licensed professional geologist, she applies her understanding of geology and hydrogeology to the policy to reduce surface-water pollution and improve groundwater sustainability.
Previously, while at the MnDNR she was Science Reports Lead in the Groundwater Section of the Eco-Waters Division, responsible for establishing and maintaining scientific and technical standards for groundwater-availability and sensitivity maps as well as science reports issued by the DNR County Atlas Program. She was also consulted on water- and geology-related topics within the MnDNR and learned how the agency’s statutory authority was interpreted through the rule-making process. She was also a geologist with DNR Lands and Minerals in the Aggregate Division.
In her 24-year field-geologist career at the Minnesota Geological Survey, she published 35 peer-reviewed articles, 28 maps, and wrote grants to fund over $1.5 million worth of applied research projects. She has a strong mapping and academic reputation among geologists in the geological surveys of all the glaciated Great Lakes states and was an officer of North Central Section of the Geological Society of America.
Carrie is adjunct faculty at the Univ. of Minn. in Earth and Environmental Sciences, chaired their external advisory board for 3 years, and has taught a field-oriented geology course since 1994. She is a member-at-large of the State Boards of Geologists and a member of their Council of Examiners, reviewing the exam administered to all geologists seeking licensure across the country.
Ph.D. Geology, University of Minnesota, 1996, directed by H.E. Wright, Jr., The glacial geology of southwestern Minnesota with emphasis on the deposits and dynamics of the Des Moines lobe
M.S. Geology, University of Minnesota, 1989, Directed by R. LeB. Hooke, Glaciological conditions associated with drumlin occurrence
B.A. Geology, Northwestern University, 1984
Field Camp University of Alaska, 1983
Related courses: Calculus, Linear Algebra, Differential Equations, Partial Differential Equations, Fourier Series, Complex Variables, Physics, Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Electron Microscopy, Fluid Mechanics, Depositional Mechanics, Geographical Information Systems, Environmental Policy
Positions Held
Research and Policy Director, Freshwater Society, 5/16-present
Department of Natural Resources, Groundwater Section, Division of Ecological and Water Resources, County Geologic Atlas Program, Science Reports Lead (Hydrologist III), 1/14 to 5/16. 85% Establish and maintain scientific and technical standards for groundwater availability and sensitivity maps and science reports issued by the DNR County Atlas Program. 15% Consult on geologic issues within the DNR.
Department of Natural Resources, Mineral and Aggregate Potential Section Division of Lands and Minerals Geologist (Research Scientist II), 3/28/2012 to 1/14. Create maps that identify and classify aggregate and crushed rock resources and associated data for local units of government. The overarching goal is to provide for the diversification and management of the state's mineral economy through exploration, evaluation and environmental assessment.
Minnesota Geological Survey, Senior Scientist, 8/2001 – 2012; 2/96-8/00; Scientist, 6/91-2/96; Associate Scientist, 5/89-6/91. Duties included mapping and research in glacial deposits, landforms and subglacial processes; conveying geologic information to the public, professionals in geology and related disciplines, and policy makers; grant-writing, project management.
Dept. of Earth and Env. Sciences, Univ. of Minn., Adjunct and Assoc. Grad. Faculty, 1994 -
Carleton College, Visiting Assistant Professor, Fall 2012; Spring 1997 and 1999.
Macalester College, Visiting Assistant Professor, 9/00-8/
Juneau Icefield Research Program, 2018, 2012, 2011
St. Cloud State University, Instructor 1986-1988
St. John’s University, Instructor 1987-1988
Recent Peer-Reviewed Publications
2021, DeLong, S.B., Engle, Z.T., Hammer, M.N., Jennings, C.E., Gran, K.B., Bartley, J.K., Blumentritt, D.J., Breckenridge, A.J., Day, S., Larson, P.H., McDermott, J.A., Triplett, L.D., Wickert, A.D., Richard, Emilie, M., Swanson, M.A., Allison, M., Dahlseid, A., Dahly, D.T., Dean, B.A., Endres, M., Kurak, E., Link, S., Matti, B., Rehwinkel, R.W., Sockness, B., VanBerkel, J., Willard, J.G., and Williams, A.B., 2021, Inventory of landslides in the northwestern, northeastern, southern, and southeastern parts of Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey data release,
2020, Dalton, A., corresponding author and 73 co-authors. An updated radiocarbon-based ice margin chronology for the last deglaciation of the North American Ice Sheet Complex, Quaternary Science Reviews
2018, Bohman, B., J. Kader, D. Newville, B. Johnson, L. Yetka, C., Jennings. Groundwater and agriculture; Insights from farmers in central Minnesota on how to protect both. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation September/October vol. 73 no. 5 122A-127A, doi: 10.2489/jswc.73.5.122A
2011, Belmont, P. Gran, K.B., Schottler, S.P., Wilcock, P.R., Day, S.S., Carrie Jennings, Lauer, J.W., Viparelli, E., Willenbring, J.K., Engstrom, D.R. and Parker, G., Large Shift in Source of Fine Sediment in the Upper Mississippi River, Environ. Sci. Technol., 2011, 45 (20), pp 8804–8810, DOI: 10.1021/es2019109.
2011, Gran, K.B., Belmont, P., Day. S.S., Finnegan, N., Jennings, C., Lauer. W.J., Wilcock, P.R., Landscape evolution in south-central Minnesota and the role of geomorphic history on modern erosional processes. GSA Today, 21 (9), p. 7-9.
2011, Lusardi, B. A., Jennings, C. E. & Harris, K. L. 2011: Provenance of Des Moines lobe till records ice-stream catchment evolution during Laurentide deglaciation. Boreas, Volume 40, Issue 4, pages 585–597, doi 10.1111/j.1502-3885.2011.00208.x. ISSN 0300-9483.
2009, Gran, K.B., Belmont, P., Day, S.S., Jennings, C., Johnson, A., Perg, L. and Wilcock, P.R., Geomorphic evolution of the Le Sueur River, Minnesota, USA, and implications for current sediment loading in James, L.A., Rathburn, S.L. and Whittecar, G.R. eds., Management and Restoration of Fluvial Systems with Broad Historical Changes and Human Impacts: Geological Society of America Special Paper 451, p. 119-130.
Twenty-eight published maps from 1990 to 2016.
Complete Publication Record
PUBLICATIONS (C.J. Patterson, C. Jennings-Patterson and C.E. Jennings)
Journal Articles
2022, Raghwendra N. Shandilya, Etienne Bresciani, Anthony C. Runkel, Carrie E. Jennings, Seunghak Lee, and Peter K. Kang. Aquifer-scale Mapping of Injection Capacity for Potential Aquifer Storage and Recovery Sites: Methodology Development and Case in Minnesota, USA,Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies,Volume 40,101048, ISSN 2214-5818,
2020, Corresponding Author: April Dalton, Co-Authors: Nigel Atkinson, Martin Batterson, Anders Carlson, Lev Tarasov, Phillip Larson, Francis Chantel Nixon, Serge Occhietti, David Piper, Daniel Kerr, Henry Loope, Arthur Dyke, Heather E. Arends, Robert-Andre Daigneault, Woodrow B. Thompson, Carrie Jennings, H. E. Wright, Thomas K. Weddle, Lorraine Manz, John Clague, Brandon Curry, Edward L. King, Lamothe Michel, Peter J. Barnett, Hannah G. Friedrich, John Shaw, Svend Funder, Mark Johnson, Jason Briner, David Franzi, Angela S. Gowan, Kristian Kjellerup Kjeldsen, Isabelle McMartin, Jack Ridge, Ralph Stea, Jean J Veillette, Roberta S. Adams, Robert Barnett, Andy Breckenridge, Thomas Lakeman, Janet E. Campbell, Don J. Easterbrook, Bernard Hétu, Harold W. Borns, Jr, Antonius G. Pronk, Pierre J. H. Richard, Martin Roy, James Teller, Brent Ward, Michelle S. Gauthier, Ken L. Harris, Tom S. Hooyer, Serge Allard, Martin Lavoie, Allen Seaman, Martin Margold, Samuel E. Kelley, Thomas Lowell, Pascal Bernatchez, Daniel J. Utting, Chris Stokes, Alan Kehew, John Attig, Harvey Thorleifson, Hugo Dubé-Loubert, Alan R. Knaeble, Patrick Lajeunesse, Etienne Brouard, Barbara A. Lusardi, Michael A. Parkhill, Martin Ross. An updated radiocarbon-based ice margin chronology for the last deglaciation of the North American Ice Sheet Complex, Quaternary Science Reviews
2018, Bohman, B., J. Kader, D. Newville, B. Johnson, L. Yetka, C., Jennings. Groundwater and agriculture; Insights from farmers in central Minnesota on how to protect both. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation September/October vol. 73 no. 5 122A-127A, doi: 10.2489/jswc.73.5.122A
2011, Belmont, P. Gran, K.B., Schottler, S.P., Wilcock, P.R., Day, S.S., Carrie Jennings, Lauer, J.W., Viparelli, E., Willenbring, J.K., Engstrom, D.R. and Parker, G., Large Shift in Source of Fine Sediment in the Upper Mississippi River, Environ. Sci. Technol., 2011, 45 (20), pp 8804–8810, DOI: 10.1021/es2019109.
2011, Gran, K.B., Belmont, P., Day. S.S., Finnegan, N., Jennings, C., Lauer. W.J., Wilcock, P.R., Landscape evolution in south-central Minnesota and the role of geomorphic history on modern erosional processes. GSA Today, 21 (9), p. 7-9.
2011, Lusardi, B. A., Jennings, C. E. & Harris, K. L. 2011: Provenance of Des Moines lobe till records ice-stream catchment evolution during Laurentide deglaciation. Boreas, Volume 40, Issue 4, pages 585–597, doi 10.1111/j.1502-3885.2011.00208.x. ISSN 0300-9483.
2009, Domínguez-Villar, D.; Razola, L.; Carrasco, R.M.; Jennings, C.E.; Pedraza, J. Weathering phases recorded by gnammas developed since last glaciation at Serra da Estrela, Portugal. Quaternary Research 72 (2), 218-228.
2008, Dominguez-Villar, D., Jennings, C.E., Multi-phase evolution of gnammas (weathering pits) in a Holocene deglacial granite landscape, Minnesota, USA. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 32.
2007, Clayton, Lee, Attig, J.W., Ham, N.R., Johnson, M.D., Jennings, C. E. and Syverson, K.M., Ice-walled lake plains: Implications for the origin of hummocky glacial topography in middle North America. Geomorphology 97 (1-2), 237-248.
2007, Knight, P.G., Jennings, C.E., Waller, R.I. and Robinson, Z.P., Changes in ice-margin processes and sediment routing during ice-sheet advance across a marginal moraine. Geografiska Annaler, 89 A (3): 203–215.
2006, Hooke, R. LeB. and C. E. Jennings, On the formation of Tunnel Valleys, Quaternary Science Reviews, 25 (11-12), p. 1364-1372.
2006, Jennings, C.E. Terrestrial ice streams—a view from the lobe. Geomorphology, v. 75 (1-2), 100 – 124.
2005, Balco, G., J.O.H. Stone and C.E. Jennings. Dating Plio-Pleistocene glacial sediments using the cosmic-ray-produced radionuclides 10Be and 26Al American Journal of Science v. 305, p. 1 – 41.
2002, Knight, P.G. R. I. Waller, C. J. Patterson, A. P. Jones, Z. P. Robinson Discharge of debris from ice at the margin of the Greenland ice sheet. Journal of Glaciology, 48 (161) 192-198.
2000, Knight, P.G., Patterson, C.J., Waller, R.I., Jones, A.P. and Robinson, Z.P. Preservation of basal-ice sediment texture in ice-sheet moraines. Quaternary Science Reviews 19 (13), 1255-1258.
2000, Knight, P.G., Patterson, C.J., Waller, R.I., Jones, A.P. and Robinson, Z.P. Glacier advance, ice-marginal lakes and routing of meltwater and
sediment: Russell Glacier, Greenland. Journal of Glaciology 46 (154), 423-426.
1999, Patterson, C.J. and T.J. Boerboom, The significance of pre-existing, deeply weathered crystalline rock in interpreting the effects of glaciation in the Minnesota River Valley. Annals of Glaciology, 28, 53-58.
1999, Bierman, P.R., Marsella, K.A., Patterson, C.J. Davis, P.T. and Caffee, M., Mid-Pleistocene cosmogenic minimum-age limits for pre-Wisconsinan glacial surfaces. Geomorphology, p. 25-39.
1998, Patterson, C.J., Laurentide glacial landscapes: The role of ice streams.
Geology, 26, (7), 643-646.
1998, Meyer G.N., Patterson C.J., Hobbs H.C., Terrestrial record of Laurentide Ice Sheet reorganization during Heinrich events: Comment
Geology, 26 (7) p. 667-668.
1997, Patterson, C.J., Southern Laurentide ice lobes created by ice streams: Des Moines lobe in Minnesota, U.S.A. Sedimentary Geology, 111, 249-261.
1995, Patterson, C.J., and Hooke, R. LeB., Physical environment of drumlin formation. Journal of Glaciology, 41 (137), 30-38.
1985, Hines, R.L., and Patterson C.J., Layered crystal thin films. Journal of Electron Microscopy Technique, 2 (5).
Proceedings, Factsheets and Edited Volumes
2022, DeLong, S.B., Jennings, C.E., and Gran, K.B., 2022, Landslides in Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 2022-3007, 4 p.,
2020, Elliott, S.M., Jones, P.M., Woodruff, L.G., Jennings, C.E., Krall, A.L., and Morel, D.L., Assessing the influence of natural copper-nickel-bearing bedrocks of the Duluth Complex on water quality in Minnesota, 2013–15: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2020–5039, 51 p.
2018, Valero-Garces, B., A. Myrbo, A. Noren and C. Jennings, Continental Archives of Past Global Changes: From Quaternary to Anthropocene. PAGES Workshop Report, Minneapolis, May, 2018. PAGES Magazine, Volume 26 No. 2, p. 84.
2016 C.E. Jennings, M. Presnail, E. Kurak, R. Meier, C. Schmidt, J. Palazzolo, S. Jiwani, E. Waage, J.M. Feinberg, 2015, Historical Landslide Inventory for the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, 33 p.
2011, Johnson, M.D., Adams, R.S., Gowan, A.S., Harris, K.L., Hobbs, H.C., Jennings, C.E., Knaeble, A.R., Lusardi, B.A. & Meyer, G.N, Quaternary lithostratigraphic units of Minnesota. Minnesota Geological Survey Report of Investigations (in press).
2011, Jennings, C.E. and Johnson, M.D., The Quaternary of Minnesota. Chapter 38 in J. Ehlers, P.L. Gibbard & P.D. Hughes, eds., Quaternary Glaciations-Extent and Chronology, Part IV-a closer look. Elsevier, Amsterdam.
2007, Jennings, C.E., Overview of the Quaternary Geological History of the Minnesota River Watershed, Chapter 2 in Native Plant Communities and Rare Species of the Minnesota River Valley Counties. Minnesota County Biological Survey. Biological Report 89. St. Paul: Minnesota Department of Natural Resources.
2006, Jennings, C.E. Middle Pleistocene Glaciations in North America, P. Gibbard and J. Ehlers, eds., Encyclopedia of Quaternary Science, History of Quaternary Glaciations, in review, Elsevier.
2004, Patterson, Carrie Jennings and Mark D. Johnson. The status of glacial mapping in Minnesota. In, J. Rose, series ed., Developments in Quaternary Science 2, Part II, North America, J. Ehlers and P.L. Gibbard, eds, Quaternary Glaciations - Extent and Chronology, Elsevier, Amsterdam.
2002, Patterson, C.J. and Knaeble, A.R. History of Glaciation in Pine County, Minnesota. In, Boerboom, T.J. project manager, Contributions to the Geology of Pine County, Minnesota: Minnesota Geological Survey Report of Investigations 60, p. 21 – 41.
1998, Patterson, C.J., and H.E. Wright Jr., editors. Contributions to Quaternary Studies in Minnesota: Minnesota Geological Survey Report of Investigations No. 49, 208 p.
1997, Patterson, C.J., ed. Geology of Southwestern Minnesota. Minnesota Geological Survey Report of Investigations No. 47.
1994, Patterson, C.J., Tunnel-valley fans of the St. Croix moraine, east-central Minnesota, U.S.A. In W.P. Warren and D.G. Croot, eds, Formation and Deformation of Glacial Deposits. Proceedings of the INQUA Commission on the Formation and Deformation of Glacial Deposits, Dublin, Ireland, 1991. Balkema, Rotterdam.
1993, Patterson, C.J., Mapping glacial terrain, southwestern Minnesota, U.S.A. In, J.S. Aber, ed., Glaciotectonics and Mapping Glacial Deposits. Proceedings of the INQUA Commission on Formation and Properties of Glacial Sediment, University of Regina, 1992. Canadian Plains Research Center, Univ. of Regina, 310 pages.
2021, DeLong, S.B., Engle, Z.T., Hammer, M.N., Jennings, C.E., Gran, K.B., Bartley, J.K., Blumentritt, D.J., Breckenridge, A.J., Day, S., Larson, P.H., McDermott, J.A., Triplett, L.D., Wickert, A.D., Richard, Emilie, M., Swanson, M.A., Allison, M., Dahlseid, A., Dahly, D.T., Dean, B.A., Endres, M., Kurak, E., Link, S., Matti, B., Rehwinkel, R.W., Sockness, B., VanBerkel, J., Willard, J.G., and Williams, A.B., 2021, Inventory of landslides in the northwestern, northeastern, southern, and southeastern parts of Minnesota: U.S. Geological Survey data release,
2016, Gowan, A.S. and Jennings, C.J., Surficial Geology, Plate 3, of Setterholm, D.R., project manager, Geologic Atlas of Redwood County, Minnesota: Minnesota Geological Survey County Atlas Series C-36, scale 1:100,000, 1 sheet.
2020, Jennings, C.E., Waage, E.D., Kurak, E., Blenkush, A., Hennepin County Interactive Landslide Map. Hennepin County, Minn.
2016, Gowan, A.S. and Jennings, C.J., Surficial Geology, Plate 3, of Setterholm, D.R., project manager, Geologic Atlas of Redwood County, Minnesota: Minnesota Geological Survey County Atlas Series C-36, scale 1:100,000, 1 sheet.
2014, Jennings, C.E., and Kotska, S.J., Aitkin County Aggregate Resources, Sand and Gravel Potential, Plate A, Report 381, Aggregate Resources Mapping Program, Division of Lands and Minerals, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, scale 1:100,000.
2011, Jennings, C.E., Lusardi, B.L., and Gowan, A.S., Surficial Geology, Plate 3 of Setterholm, D.R., project manager, Geologic Atlas of Sibley County, Minnesota: Minnesota Geological Survey County Atlas Series C-24, scale 1:100,000, 1 sheet.
2011, Jennings, C.E., Lusardi, B.L., and Gowan, A. S., Surficial Geology of Blue Earth County, Minnesota, Plate 3 of Setterholm, D.R., project manager, Geologic Atlas of Blue Earth County, Minnesota: Minnesota Geological Survey County Atlas Series C-26, scale 1:100,000, 1 sheet.
2010, Jennings, C.E. Sediment Source Apportionment to the Lake Pepin TMDL--Source Characterization, Open-File Report 10-1, 19 p., 1 draft map, digital files, references.
2009, Jennings, C. E. Geomorphology and interpreted surficial geology of the South Fork of the Crow River watershed, Minnesota. Open File 09-01, 13 p., 1 draft map, digital files, references.
2005, Jennings, C.E., and W.K. Reynolds, Surficial geology of the Mesabi Iron Range, Minnesota. Minnesota Geological Survey Miscellaneous Map Series, M-164, scale 1:100,000.
2005, Meyer, G.N., M.A. Jirsa and C.E. Jennings, Aggregate resource potential of Itasca County, Minnesota, Minnesota Geological Survey Miscellaneous Map Series M-131, 6 pls., scale 1:100,000.
2002, Meyer. G. N., and Patterson, C. J., Surficial geology of western Itasca County, Minnesota. Minnesota Geological Survey.
2002, Lusardi, B.A., Hobbs, H.C., and Patterson, C.J., Surficial geology of the Faribault 30 x 60 minute quadrangle, south-central Minnesota: Minnesota Geological Survey Miscellaneous Map Series M-130, scale 1:100,000.
2001, Patterson, C.J. and Knaeble, A.R., Surficial geology, Plate 4, Geologic Atlas of Pine County, Minneosta, County Atlas Series C-13, Part A, 1:100,000.
2001, Knaeble, A.R., Patterson, C.J., and Meyer, G.N., Quaternary Stratigraphy, Plate 5, Geologic Atlas of Pine County, Minneosta, County Atlas Series C-13, Part A, 1:100,000.
2001, Patterson, C.J., Natural-Aggregate Endowment, Plate 7, Mineral Endowment, Geologic Atlas of Pine County, Minnesota, County Atlas Series C-13, Part A, 1:200,000.
1999, Patterson, C.J., Knaeble, A.R., Gran, S.E., and Phippen, S.J. Surficial geology, plate 1 of Patterson, C.J., Project Manager, Regional Hydrogeologic Assessment: Quaternary geology—Upper Minnesota River Basin: Minnesota Geological Survey Regional Hydrogeologic Assessment Series RHA-4, Part A, scale 1:200,000.
1999, Patterson, C.J., Knaeble, A.R., Setterholm D.R., and Berg, J.A., Quaternary Stratigraphy, plate 2 of Patterson, C.J., Project Manager, Regional Hydrogeologic Assessment: Quaternary geology—Upper Minnesota River Basin: Minnesota Geological Survey Regional Hydrogeologic Assessment Series RHA-4, Part A.
1999, Meyer, G.N., and Patterson, C.J., compilers. Surficial geology of the Anoka 30 x 60 minute quadrangle, Minnesota, scale 1:100,000.
1995, Patterson, C.J. Surficial geology, plate 1 of Setterholm, D.R., Project Manager, Regional Hydrogeologic Assessment: Quaternary geology—Southwestern Minnesota: Minnesota Geological Survey Regional Hydrogeologic Assessment Series RHA-2, Part A, scale, 1:200,000.
1995, Patterson, C.J., Lusardi, B.L., Setterholm, D.R. and Knaeble, A.R, Quaternary stratigraphy, plate 2 of Setterholm, D.R., Project Manager, Regional Hydrogeologic Assessment: Quaternary geology—Southwestern Minnesota: Minnesota Geological Survey Regional Hydrogeologic Assessment Series RHA-2, Part A.
1995, Patterson, C.J., and Hobbs, H.C. Surficial geology, plate 3 of Hobbs, H.C., Project Manager, Geologic Atlas of Rice County, Minnesota: Minnesota Geological Survey County Atlas Series C-9, part A, scale, 1:100,000.
1995, Hobbs, H.C., Lusardi,B.L., and Patterson, C.J. Quaternary stratigraphy, plate 4 of Hobbs, H.C., Project Manager, Geologic Atlas of Rice County, Minnesota: Minnesota Geological Survey County Atlas Series C-9, part A.
1992, Patterson, C.J., Surficial geology, plate 3 of Meyer and Swanson, eds., Geologic Atlas of Ramsey County, Minnesota: Minnesota Geological Survey County Atlas Series C-7, scale, 1:48,000.
1990, Patterson, C.J., Mossler, J., and Bloomgren, B., Bedrock topography and depth to bedrock, plate 4 of Balaban, N., ed., Geologic Atlas of Washington County, Minnesota: Minnesota Geological Survey Country Atlas Series C-5, scale 1:100,000.
1990, Meyer, G.N., Baker, B.R. and Patterson C.J. Surficial geology, plate 3 of Balaban, N., ed., Geologic Atlas of Washington County, Minnesota: Minnesota Geological Survey Country Atlas Series C-5.
1990, Bloomgren, B., Hobbs, H.C., Mossler, J., and Patterson, C.J.. Depth to bedrock and bedrock topography, plate 4 of Balaban, N., ed., Geologic Atlas of Dakota County, Minnesota: Minnesota Geological Survey Country Atlas Series C-6.
1990, Hobbs, H.C., Aronow, S., and Patterson, C.J. Surficial geology, plate 3 of Balaban, N., ed., Geologic Atlas of Dakota County, Minnesota: Minnesota Geological Survey Country Atlas Series C-6, scale 1:100,000.
2011, Belmont, P., Gran, K., Jennings, C., Wittkop, C., and Day, S.S., Holocene Landscape Evolution and Erosional Processes in the Le Sueur River, Central Minnesota. Geological Society of America Field Guide 24, p. 439–455, doi:10.1130/2011.0024.
2011, Jennings, C.E., Bovee, T.L., Knaeble, A.R., Meyer, G.N., Lusardi, B.A., Curry, B., Murphy, M., Stefanova, V., and Wright, H.E. Jr., A Glacial Record Spanning the Pleistocene in Southern Minnesota. Geological Society of America Field Guide 24, p. 351-378. doi:10.1130/2011.0024.
2003, Patterson, C.J., A.K. Hansel, D.J. Quade, A.E. Bettis, T.J. Kemmis, , D.M Mickelson, P.M. Colgan, Contrasting glacial landscapes created by ice lobes of the southern Laurentide Ice Sheet: in D.J. Easterbrook, ed., Quaternary Geology of the United States, International Quaternary Association (INQUA) 2003 Field Guide Volume, XVI INQUA Congress.
1998, Southwick, D.L., and Patterson, C.J. Archean and Quaternary geology of the Minnesota River valley (field trip 5): Institute on Lake Superior Geology Proceedings, 44th Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 1998, 44, (2), 133-168.
Major Reports:
2021 Jennings, C.E., Bilotta, J., Arnold, W., Bohman, B., Bresciani, E., Gassman, P., Kang, P., Kirby, E., Kirk, J., Lee, S., Levers, L., Runkel, A., Shandilya, R., Valcu-Lisman, A. Xiang, G., and Yoon, S. Banking Groundwater - A study examining aquifer storage and recovery for groundwater sustainability in Minnesota. University of Minnesota and Freshwater. Retrieved from
2015, Jirsa, M., C.Jennings, A. Watson and N. Meyer. Geology of Blue Mounds State Park, final report for the Minnesota Dept. of Natural Resources, Contract # 93015, 28 pp., with data archive
2011 Gran, K.B., Belmont, P., *Day, S., Jennings, C., Lauer, J.W., Viparelli, E., Wilcock, P., Parker,G., 2011, An integrated sediment budget for the Le Sueur River basin. Final report to the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, June 2011, 128 p.
2009 Gran, K., Johnson, A., Belmont, P., Day, S., Wilcock, P., Viparelli, E., Parker, G., Jennings, C.,Lauer, J.W., Azmera, L., Maalim, F.K., Thomas, A., and Melesse, A., 2009, An integrated sediment budget for the Le Sueur River basin, Interim Report 7/30/09, A report submitted to the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, 144 p.